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Lambeth council

Railton Road Street Furniture Co-Design

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In May 2022, I had the privilege of facilitating 4 co-design sessions for street furniture on Railton and Atlantic roads in Lambeth. The project brief was simple – design and build seating and cycle parking stands for Railton Road. The non-negotiables were that the designs needed to be informed by local people and the end product needed to be delivered by a local business. For Lambeth Council this wasn’t simply about installing a couple of seats, this was about providing… Read More »Railton Road Street Furniture Co-Design

Lambeth Council’s Kerbside Strategy Launch

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On 31 January, 2023 I was invited to take part in the launch of the Lambeth’s Kerbside Strategy at Lambeth Town Hall. The Kerbside Strategy is comprised of four priorities which are designed to improve the overall environment – socially and environmentally: Priority 1 – enable accessible and active travel Priority 2 – create social spaces Priority 3 – increase climate resilience Priority 4 – reduce traffic and emissions The launch started with a word from Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, before… Read More »Lambeth Council’s Kerbside Strategy Launch